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Karriere bei uns

Turnkey construction

New construction of an innovation centre near Karlsruhe

We are building an innovation centre near the city of Karlsruhe for a long-standing industrial customer.

The contract, which involves a 2-digit million euro sum, includes the turnkey construction of a centre for innovations with a machine test hall, technical, laboratory and training rooms. The planning services were also provided by HEBERGER. By commissioning us to plan the Innovation Centre, our client has given us the opportunity to save costs through a seamless planning chain and using lean construction, and to complete the construction in a shorter time frame.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Denise Gerhardt
Denise Gerhardt
Group Communication

+49 6235 930-250

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

In Speyer, direkt am Rhein gelegen, entsteht schlüsselfertig ein weiteres topmodernes Wohnquartier. Dort entstehen 2 Gebäude mit insgesamt 80 Eigentumswohnungen und einer gemeinsam nutzbaren Tiefgarage.

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