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Retail Park

New construction and conversion of a retail park in Ludwigshafen

We were commissioned with an order volume of 12 million euros for the new construction and conversion of the INWO specialist retail centre in Ludwigshafen. Within a tight time frame of 12 months, we provided our customer with partial turnkey services for several buildings with a total area of 12,000 m2.

Some of the buildings were constructed as new buildings, some existing buildings were gutted and renovated. The new and existing buildings received isopanel facades and warm roofs. The statics of the halls are guaranteed by a construction of steel prestressed concrete prefabricated parts from our own prefabricated parts plant in Neulußheim.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Stefanie Cavic
Stefanie Cavic
Abteilung Betonfertigteile

+49 6205 399-325

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

In Speyer, direkt am Rhein gelegen, entsteht schlüsselfertig ein weiteres topmodernes Wohnquartier. Dort entstehen 2 Gebäude mit insgesamt 80 Eigentumswohnungen und einer gemeinsam nutzbaren Tiefgarage.

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